Legal practice in the post COVID-19 world is going to continue to be different. Even with a more widespread return to the office, remote working will continue for many and the way that most firms will work will inevitably involve far fewer face-to-face meetings and a much greater reliance upon technology.
For the many firms that do not have sophisticated IT networks, ensuring that staff continue to be supervised and are able to access the information they require is likely to remain a challenge.
Whilst case management and accounts systems can normally be accessed from remote locations, much of the general management information that staff require is not going to be so easy to find.
Basic information that is easy to acquire when in the office becomes more time consuming to access when working remotely. Who, for example, is responsible in the firm for data protection? Who is in a particular department? What does the firm’s equality and diversity policy state? Which investigators or expert witnesses does the firm use?
The InfoHub from Infolegal provides the solution.